Please see the information below from the City of Olympia regarding the Transportation Improvement Plan:
Each of the cities and counties in the state of Washington are required to update their Six-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) every year. The updated program for the years 2015-2020 has now been completed. A copy of this updated program can be found HERE.
The TIP essentially identifies current transportation system needs. Projects in future years are identified based on projected growth, as identified in the City’s Comprehensive Plan process. Actual project construction may deviate from the year stated, if growth does not occur as projected.
Projects in the TIP are listed in the following order:
1. Projects where federal, state or local funds have not been fully obligated;
2. Capacity projects funded through Transportation Impact Fees and grants. Projects are listed starting with City stated priority projects first;
3. Annual programs/projects such as sidewalk, bicycle and paving, in alphabetical order; and
4. Parks, Arts and Recreation projects in priority order
The Olympia City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 17, 2014, to take testimony on the proposed 2015-2020 TIP. If you require special accommodations during your attendance at this hearing, please call (360) 753-8450 by 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday June 16, 2014. For the hearing-impaired, please call (360) 753-8270 to be connected to a TTY machine. For additional information, please call Dave Smith at (360) 753-8496.