Join/Renew Your Membership

🎉 Special New Year Offer: Save $150 on Business Memberships!

Start 2025 strong by joining WOBA for just $100 (regularly $250). Use code WOBA2025 at checkout to unlock this exclusive discount. Whether you’re a new member or renewing your commitment to our business community, there’s never been a better time to invest in your business’s future.

Limited time offer – Join today and become part of West Olympia’s most dynamic business network.

It’s time to join or renew your membership for 2025! As a steadfast community of small businesses, we understand the importance of fostering growth, collaboration, and success.

Review our membership levels, the benefits of each, and select the level aligning with your business goals. Your renewal ensures WOBA remains a dynamic force in West Olympia, promoting economic vitality and community growth.

Join a community dedicated to success. WOBA is your platform to build meaningful connections, exchange ideas, and collaborate with local businesses.

Please contact if you need assistance or have any questions.
